The Gum Disease And Heart Attack

The Gum Disease And Heart Attack

In addition to helping keep gums and teeth healthy, there are even more reasons to brush and floss regularly. Researchers have determined that the same oral bacteria that cause dental plaque and lead to gum disease can also enter the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, these bacteria can cause blood clots that increase the risk of stroke, thus gum disease and heart attack may come together.

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Although most people are now aware of the effects of blood pressure, cholesterol, diet and exercise on the heart, it is important that the public becomes aware of the importance of the role of good oral hygiene to prevent diseases cardiovascular When the correct habits of brushing and flossing are not maintained, streptococcal bacteria are allowed to accumulate in the mouth. When the resulting plaque is not removed regularly the gums become irritated, which eventually leads to the first stage of gum disease, gingivitis. Gingivitis can move to the most advanced stage of gum disease, full-blown periodontal disease if left untreated. Once the gums begin to bleed, the bacteria that are present are allowed into the bloodstream.

gum diseaseIn the study mentioned above, it was discovered that once streptococcal bacteria enter the bloodstream, they can use a protein that binds to the outer surface and forces platelets to form clots. The bacteria were completely enclosed in the platelets that are clustered, essentially protecting them from antibiotics. The agglomeration effect of platelets serves to produce inflammation in the blood vessels. It is this inflammation that causes blood clots that can block the flow of blood to the brain and heart.

The next priority is to determine how the protein used by the streptococcus bacteria causes platelets to clump together. A study is currently underway to determine ways to prevent this from happening. Meanwhile, brushing and flossing regularly can be very helpful in preventing these bacteria from accumulating in your mouth. It is essential to brush twice a day, after meals and before going to bed, and floss at least once, preferably before going to bed. The use of dental floss allows us to reach the areas of the teeth that a toothbrush typically cannot reach. Eliminating the plaque that can accumulate in these hard-to-reach places is important in the fight against gum disease. Regular dental check-ups are also important since only a professional cleaning can remove the tartar that builds up along the

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