When you have a stomach ache, there could be multiple reasons behind it. Maybe you’ve eaten way too much than you’re supposed to, perhaps you haven’t eaten at all. You could be experiencing your menstrual cycle, or you could be experiencing stomach ache during your pregnancy. Nevertheless, stomach ache medicine over the counter usually helps since more than often, the pain isn’t an indication of any serious diseases.
Liposuction is a modern technique that can be used to remove excess fat from specific areas of the body such as the neck, hips, thighs, calves, truck, arms and buttocks. The body is formed and tightened to enhance the overall appearance. Like all other surgeries, the process also has some minor complications. These may consist of irregular skin or / and discoloration of the skin surface. However, in most cases, so far observed, complications are resolved within a few days. It may be, with serious advances in medical science, that may come a day when recovery overnight becomes possible. However, for now we should not forget that overnight recovery is impossible. The recovery after liposuction surgery depends on the different drug infection and reactions. The swelling of the liposuction site is also common.