Loss of bone to the jaw is one of the serious results of missing teeth. If left unattended, bone loss can lead to a number of dental issues. In order to treat the condition, dental implants become inevitable. However, you need bone for dental implants. It’s here bone grafting comes into play. In this procedure, a periodontist derives bone grafts from the patient, other person, an animal or synthetic materials to administer to the problem area. After the procedure, the patient can undergo dental implants. However, it’s important to wait for dental bone graft recovery before opting for implants.
Dental braces have helped in giving the ideal solutions in straightening misaligned teeth. It is highly used in dental treatment, and it’s one of the best ways of addressing the orthodontic problem. Dentists advise highly on wearing dental braces during childhood and adolescence. This is because it’s the stage when teeth get to their permanent positions.