How To Prevent Tooth Numbing Medicine

How To Prevent Tooth Numbing Medicine

Around 20 minutes after eating, the bacteria feed on the sugars in the mouth, acids have created that attack the teeth. Over a period of time, these acids destroy the teeth unless proper maintenance and care occur to deter the destruction.

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The presentation of decay can be highly variable in each individual. Detection can be discovered visibly with dental exams, by dental intraoral x-rays or films, and/or by dental laser detection devices. The utilization of tooth numbing medicine, for example, fluoride to deter dental rot has been practically speaking for quite a long time. Topical use of fluoride is utilized as a pharmaceutical to stop demineralization of the teeth by fortifying tooth lacquer. As the quality of the tooth lacquer is expanded, the tooth’s resistance to the bacterial acids secreted in the mouth will increase. Topical fluoride treatment can incorporate the use of fluoride in a varnish, gel, glue, or mouthwash. A portion of these applications can happen at home while others can occur just in a dental office.

The utilization of fluoride in various mediums, especially in the general population water supply, has been a questionable subject for a long time. Although strong arguments exist on both sides, the purpose of this discussion will focus on the benefits of topical fluoride treatment or therapy. The paybacks of topical fluoride use continue to confirm that the greatest benefits exist from the practice of fluoride treatment inconsistent, small doses. The use of kinds of toothpaste and mouth rinse with fluoride additives is the most common use of topical fluoride at home. Although daily home care may include these practices, additional treatment in the dental office may be helpful.

Dental office topical fluoride therapy typically occurs with the use of prescription fluoride gels administered in a mouth tray or the application of fluoride varnish. Although both methods are effective, the use of fluoride varnish with its ease of application offers a practical advantage. Fluoride varnish is “painted” on the teeth with a brush and forms a film when it comes into contact with saliva. When this occurs, it solidifies and forms a slightly tinted film that remains on the tooth until it`s brushed during a regular brushing. Since its application to help strengthen tooth enamel is easier and the taste is better than a gel, it is a great a tool to be used in conjunction with a professional dental cleaning.

If an in-office dental fluoride treatment is not recommended, a prescription strength fluoride toothpaste may be suggested in lieu of an over the counter toothpaste. The additional benefits of topical fluoride are that it can help reduce tooth sensitivity and can aid in recalcification of problematic tooth structure. With these advantages, topical fluoride application offers another tool to help restore and maintain healthy teeth. Whether young or old, topical fluoride may offer options to help restore and maintain healthy smiles.

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