Dental crowns are intended to be the last step in the dental restoration process. However, improper fitting can cause various dental crown problems such as tooth sensitivity and pain. If you are experiencing issues with a dental crown, your dentist can help fix the problem. Keep reading to know about the common dental crown issues, including treatment and prevention for dental crown pain. SNK Dental in St. Mary can help resolve these issues, contact them today.
A dental crown is basically a cap to cover a damaged tooth. The dentist cements it into place and conceals the piece of the tooth that you see.
In addition, there are many different materials used to produce dental crowns. These include porcelain, ceramic, and metal crowns. You may require a dental crown after root canal therapy to protect the tooth. Or then again, your dentist may suggest a crown if you have a:
There are various reasons for you to encounter pain in a crowned tooth. These include:
Tooth decay under the crown is a common issue for patients who have this treatment. This may happen, especially when the tooth under the crown is still okay. Then, tooth decay or a new cavity can form at the edges of the tooth and the crown. As a result, this can prompt persistent pain in the area.
Moreover, a tooth cavity that develops adequately and influences the nerve may require a root canal procedure.
Tooth sensitivity is also a common dental crown problem that frequently shows up soon after the process. Suppose you experience any type of dental discomfort after having a crown. Then you should make an appointment with your dentist. Typically, your dentist can manage such cases by applying a solution that protects the dentin from temperature changes.
In some cases, when the dentist reshapes the teeth for the crown, it disturbs these nerves prompting discomfort. Once this occurs, your dentist will perform a root canal procedure and recommend getting a new crown.
The tooth still has nerves, especially if you did not get a root canal treatment before your dentist places your dental crown. In some cases, this puts pressure on a damaged nerve, and infection happens. Or on the other hand, this problem can appear because of old fillings under the crown that leak bacteria that infect the nerve.
You may have transitory uneasiness after a dental crown procedure. This discomfort should not last more than two weeks or so. Visit your dentist if you encounter a lot of pain following a crown treatment or if the pain does not disappear after two weeks.
A cracked or chipped crown or tooth under a dental crown can cause mild discomfort. You may encounter sensitivity to cold, heat, or air as a result of the damage. If you notice your crown is loose, broken, or cracked, you can just click on this link to have a dental professional fix it without complication.
Grinding your teeth at night is a condition called bruxism. In fact, this can put pressure on your crown and result in pain.
Harsh brushing can cause gum recession. This condition is more defenseless against plaque buildup and gum disease. Suppose the gums around your crowned tooth have receded and uncovered a piece of the tooth’s root. In that case, you may experience sensitivity and pain.
In some cases, the dental cement utilized for the crown fails. Nevertheless, this is more normal with patients that have had their crown for a long time.
Additionally, a crown that does not fit properly may lead to discomfort. This problem may also influence the way you smile.
At times, loose crowns keep it together without totally separating from the tooth. If that is your case, you should visit your dentist immediately to avoid complete detachment of the crown. However, if your crown totally separates, avoid losing it and carry it along when seeing your dentist. The odds are that your dentist would be able to pop that crown directly back where it should be.
Some patients encounter an allergic reaction following a dental crown procedure. A few individuals are allergic to some types of metals used to create a crown, and they may not know about this until the dentist already placed the crown.
Treatment for crown pain relies upon the cause and seriousness. Some easy methods that may help ease the discomfort are:
Pain Medications: Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, such as Advil or Tylenol, can give temporary relief if you have a toothache.
Saltwater rinse: Gargling salt water may reduce inflammation and pain. Blend 1/2 teaspoon of salt with warm water and gargle it for around 30 seconds. You can do this home remedy a few times each day.
Herbal Remedies: Some people report help with discomfort after using herbal treatments. You can use some of these directly on the affected tooth. In any case, common herbal remedies to address tooth pain are garlic, clove, turmeric, chamomile, and ginger.
Problematic foods: Avoiding sweet, sticky, and solid foods after getting a crown may help diminish your pain. Hot and cold food sources can likewise be considered as triggers. Therefore, try eating foods at room temperature.
Treatment for bruxism: Suppose teeth grinding or teeth clenching is the reason for your dental pain. In that case, your doctor may suggest some remedies for your bruxism to prevent injuries to your teeth. Standard treatment options for bruxism include mouth guards and dental splints.
You must make an appointment with your dentist if your tooth pain is severe or does not go away. Your dentist may recommend a crown replacement, a root canal treatment, or an alternative treatment for a dental crown, such as missing tooth restoration (dentures or implants) after extraction.
Excellent oral hygiene can protect you from dental crown pain. Therefore, make sure to:
You may encounter some inconvenience following a dental crown treatment. However, after a couple of weeks, it should disappear.
Cavities, infections, fractured teeth, or other dental crown problems may be the reason for your pain. If the pain does not go away, visit your dentist immediately to figure out what is happening.
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