The Most Common Dental Prescriptions And Their Usage

The Most Common Dental Prescriptions And Their Usage

Depending on your condition, there are several common dental prescriptions that a dentist may prescribe. Some medicines are prescribed to prevent oral diseases, or to relieve pain, or control anxiety. Though most dentist will provide information about any medicine he may prescribe you, it is also important for you to understand the reason for taking a particular medicine.

If you have any dental problem, you can contact Advanced Dental Care in Dubbo today.

Following are some of the most common dental prescriptions that a density may recommend:

  1. Dental Analgesic:

Common Dental PrescriptionsThese are used to relieve irritation and pain caused by a tooth infection, dentures and tooth braces. Analgesics are contained in many brand names such as Orajel, Ambesol and Chloraseptic.

  1. Chlorhexidine:

It’s an antibiotic drug used to control gingivitis and plaque. It is available as a chip and as a mouth rinse. The drug in the chip is released slowly over about a week. Chlorhexidine is contained in brand names such as PerioGrad, PerioChip, and Peridex.

  1. Tetracycline:

This drug is used to suppress the bacteria and to eliminate and the destruction of the tooth’s attachment to the bone. This class of antibiotic includes Minocycline, Oxytetracycline, and doxycycline.

  1. Clindamycin:

This medicine is used to treat infection caused by gram positive and gram negative anaerobe bacteria. It is available in the form of capsules and injectable.

  1. Metronidazole:

Metronidazole is a useful antibiotic. It can be used in combination with amoxicillin when treating an aggressive infection. It is available in the form of a tablet, capsule, and injection.

  1. Corticosteroid:

This medicine is used to treat gum problem and redness of mouth. It is available under such brand names as Orabase-HCA, Oracort, and Oralone.

The knowledge of most common dental prescriptions can really ensure patient safety. The implementations of guiding programs including the booklets and the guides would be beneficial in helping the patients and their family.

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