Capsular contracture prevention

Capsular contracture prevention

Capsular contracture is a complication that develops after breast augmentation surgery. It develops when the internal scar tightens around a breast implant. It may result in a painful breast or even change the shape of the breast. In addition, this problem can be subtle causing significant implant deformation. About 75% of capsular contracture symptoms begin after two years of surgery. It can be progressive, stabilize, or regress after a period of months. There are things you can do to prevent capsular contracture from happening.

There are many theories about the causes but currently, these are the most widely accepted:

  • Radiation therapy
  • Severe breast trauma
  • Hematoma, seroma, and bacterial infection
  • Autoimmune disorders like lupus

There are many factors you can consider when it comes to capsular contracture prevention.

  • Consider the inframammary fold incision: This allows the surgeon to avoid both apocrine glands and milk ducts which are traversed through axillary incisions. Others incisions such as periareolar will force the surgeon to divide the central breast tissue.
  • capsular contractureChoose the right breast size: Large implants that overstretch the soft tissue put women at a higher risk. The risk of excessive tissue stretch is increased by improperly sized implants leading to implant malposition as well as visible rippling. Chest wall and bio dimensional analysis can be used when choosing a reproducible method of implant size.
  • Implant insertion: This is the most dangerous time as it can be injured. A purpose-built funnel will allow easy implant delivery without any contact with the aforementioned objects.
  • Pocket creation: An electrocautery device can be used to make a bloodless pocket that has minimal collateral damage.
  • Post-surgical antibiotic prophylaxis: The implants are still at risk of bacterial infection even after healing. Any superficial infections such as skin infection should be treated with antibiotics. A one-time dose should be administered anytime an elective procedure is carried out.
  • Other techniques used in capsular contracture prevention include antibiotics and compression exercises.

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